For books we utilize Google Books. Google Books has the most comprehensive index of books in the world, so rest assured you’ll find what you are looking for! For websites, we use and a maintain a cutting edge web scraper that can quickly and accurately pull data from any given website.
We plan to support all of the most common formatting styles including: MLA, APA, Chicago, Turabian, Harvard, and more!
Honestly, we’re not 100% sure yet. There will be a free version for everyone, a paid version of advanced features, and a discounted version for teachers. Rest assured, we’re committed to making our tools affordable.
Yes. Accounts will be available on a individual or classroom basis.
Our format checking tools work much like plagiarism or grammar checkers. Our team works around the clock teaching a program the difference between correct and incorrect citations. It’s almost as if the program is reading off a massive checklist looking for possible mistakes. It will let your students know anytime they make a mistake, and show them how to correct it.
Easybib, and Easybib alternatives are packed with ads, generate inaccurate citations, and are slowly being replaced by a more complicated product. We’re committed to simplicity, accuracy, and learning. Assuming we can get enough support from teachers like you, we’d like to make Formatically a career.
Honestly, we’re not 100% sure yet. There will be a free version for everyone, a paid version of advanced features, and a discounted version for teachers. Rest assured, we’re committed to making our tools affordable.